23 February 2011

Kiara & Ronan

We stayed with Tom's friends and their children while we were in Cape Town, South Africa.  Kiara and Ronan are bit under two years apart in age and have very different personalities.  Kiara loved having us stay with them and took every opportunity to "cook" with me using her play kitchen in her bedroom.  It was also interesting to see a new part of the world not only through my own eyes, Tom's, and his friend's, but through a four-year-old's eyes as well.  Kiara introduced me to litchi fruit :)  Ronan was a little more laid back with an independent spirit.  Ronan also took to Tom in no time!

Kiara chasing the bird on the steps at University of Cape Town
Ronan on Tom's shoulders for a better view of penguin beach in Simons Town
Kiara swinging at the cafe at the top of Rhodes Memorial.  Ronan chilling with a rock along a pathway in Simons Town.

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