03 August 2012

27 Days to Go!

I guess I need to post more often - I didn't recognize the layout of Blogger when I logged in!

I can't believe I let half the year go by without blogging, especially when I want to remember so many things about this year.  It has been a very busy Summer of wedding planning.  I've been having fun working on the big and small details with Thomas and my family.  I can't wait for the BIG day to arrive!

I wanted to blog during the whole wedding planning process, but simply never found a spare moment to do so.  Below is a very condensed list of pretty much everything I've been doing sans the fun, colorful stories and pictures that go along with each item.  I know I'll look back at this post and remember all of the fun I had planning my wedding :)   

1. Researching wedding vendors, ideas, logistics (Pinterest is the best!)
2. Working
3. E-mailing wedding vendors
4. Signing wedding contracts
5. Writing checks to wedding vendors
6. Exercising - initially to lose weight to fit into my dress but eventually reaping the benefits of being healthier and feeling great.
7. Crafting for the wedding - never ending...
8. Learning how to dance (still not there yet!)
9. Trying on my wedding dress (so much fun!  I wish I could wear it everyday.)
10. Resisting the urge to eat chocolate
11. Spending countless hours online shopping for wedding decor/accessories/shoes
12. Arguing with Thomas about his desire to have 80's heavy metal music played at our wedding
13. Writing our ceremony with Thomas (the part we're looking forward to the most! :))
14. Searching the Internet for our wedding rings
15. Relentlessly calling City Hall (they are so nice)
16. Arranging and coordinating flights and schedules for family and friends
17. Grocery shopping on a FULL stomach and avoiding the sweets aisle
18. Running errands - mostly to the post office to return online purchases, buy stamps, and ask for packages to be weighed (I'm not a fan of the self-checkout).  The clerks now know my name!
19. Buying more than I need at Michael's Arts & Crafts store
20. Returning what I don't need to Michael's Arts & Crafts store (they now know my name, too!)
21. Listening to music on YouTube, Pandora, and iTunes for playlist ideas
22. Cake tasting, spa research, venue appointments
23. Feeling like an awful dog parent when Daisy looks at me with her big, brown eyes after waiting a little too long for her next walk.
24. Researching Pennsylvania state and county laws re: legality of Internet-ordained ministers.
25. And last, but not least, family/wedding business dinners with Mom, Ben, and Carter. 

Cut wine corks lined up on the table in Ben's shop.

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