29 April 2010

Self Quiz: Am I Addicted to Academia?

You know those quizzes in the girly magazines about love, relationships, and personal style?  Well, I've taken a few of them in the past for fun and thought I would tailor my own to "verify" whether I'm addicted to academia because I can't stop going back!

1. Are you constantly interested in learning?  Yes

2. Do you feel you could use more knowledge to strengthen your career?  Yes

3. Are you in debt from student loans?  YES

4.  Do you want to defer current student loans?  Yes

5. Do you already hold higher education degrees?  Yes

6. How many?  2

7. Are you waiting for the lender of said loans to realize you will keep going back to school until you are elderly and near death, so they should just forgive each and every penny?  YES!!!!  I've been telling them that for years...

8. Are you content in your current position?  Sort of

9.  Do you feel a need to be in control of your life?  Yes

10. Can you maintain non-enrollment status for longer than 2 years?  No

Yep, it appears you are addicted!


I'm going back to school for a graduate degreen in education.  Once I'm finished, which should be in 2012, I'll have a master's in education with certification to teach.  This will help expand my career options and increase my qualifications as a librarian.  I'm excited to begin the program next month and be in an intellectual environment again.

Needless to say, I'll be enjoying the next two weeks before I have to buckle down and think like a student again.  The biggest diffence between this program and the last graduate program I was in is that this one is on-campus.  It was nice to go home, get comfortable and log online to do course work, but I'll be going straight to class from work and won't be able to get away with listening to music in the background or making rediculous expressions when my fellow classmates make off-the-wall comments or when the professor has something insane on the sillabus.  Yes, those online-learning days are over.  Now it's time to look presentable and pay attention!

1 comment:

pam said...

Good for you, Melissa! You are officially addicted, I agree!