14 December 2008

Let the R & R Begin!!

I attached a previous post of my regarding some things on my "to do" list after graduating. That time has finally arrived and I'm getting started!

1. I'm beginning "The Senator's Wife" for the third time, but this time I'll be able to finish it! yay!

2. I received some unexpected help with #2 on the list. The firm I work for has an annual Holiday Wish Drive that involves local businesses and organization donating gifts to be raffled on with all proceeds going to local charities. The event is wonderful, but as you can imagine, more people weren't as liberal with their money this year. I purchased a few $1 dollar tickets to put in the bags with the prizes I liked. One of the prizes was a free manicure/pedicure at a spa in Rittenhouse. AND I WON! I never win, ever! This is the first time I won in 3 years and it couldn't have come at a better time. I'm going to try and use it before the New Year.

3. I think Tom and I are going to the movie theatre today to see the new James Bond movie.

#s 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 are next!

Things I want to do immediately after this semester is over:

1. Read books I WANT to read
2. spend a girly day at the salon/spa (I don't usually do this, but feel like I'll be needing one)
3. go to the movie theater - i can't remember when I was last there

4. get involved with environmental initiatives
5. go hiking
6. cook and bake - i want to try new recipes
7. spend time with ivy
8. prepare some homemade gifts for xmas

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