28 July 2008

Driving and Sociology

On my way home today, I heard a segment on NPR's program "Fresh Air" about how our driving behavior reflects our personality and why people drive they way they do.  I personally found this segment so interesting because it deconstructs behavior and also because I spend 2 hours a day driving to and from work.  

Merging late is one behavior discussed and something I tend to do regularly.  At first I felt bad about cutting people off who have waited in a long line for their turn or for the traffic to slowly creep forward.  I no longer feel bad because, as I suspected and it was confirmed on the program, the people who merge late actually help traffic move 15% faster.  Ha!  I no longer feel bad.

1 comment:

pam said...

Oooooooohhhhhh! You late mergers drive me crazy!