18 July 2008

Water and Eco Footprints

I listen to NPR a lot, especially while driving to work in the mornings. This morning there was a segment about awareness of our individual and national water footprint. A water footprint examines how much fresh water is used within and outside your perspective country to produce products we use. An example used on the main page of the organization's website displays that 1,600 liters of water are used to produce 1 kg of beef. That's amazing! The publications posted to the site state, obviously, that grains and beans use the least amount of water to produce. As you might have guessed, countries like China have a smaller water footprint than the United States. Recent studies have also looked at consumption of water on an individual basis.

I have listed a few websites below that discuss water and eco footprints, and ways to be more green and cost-effective. Also, there are calculators within these sites that measures personal footprints. I'll also place these links on the right-hand side of the page for future reference.

  1. http://www.waterfootprint.org/index.php?page=files/home
  2. http://www.footprintnetwork.org/gfn_sub.php?content=footprint_overview
  3. http://frugaldad.com/2008/06/16/75-tips-to-survive-a-down-economy/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your "Blog". Never knew
about these things before, but
now I do. Thank you for bringing
me up to date. I love the pictures, and thank you for sending
pictures our way.
Much love to a dear granddaughter.
P.S. We went to a German Club today
for dinner and they had dancing and
I mean German music, beer and the
works. We thought you and Tom
would have a blast there....We
should get the entire family our
for a night of fun. Love you...