18 August 2008

Getting Things Done and having Fun

I have been working on accomplishing quite a lot during my small break from grad school. Accomplishments so far: Tom and added new pieces of furniture that we needed for storage, I have organized my files, sorted through my clothing for donating/discarding, and I have gone through my memorabilia boxes full of all sorts of things from the past. I began, and am almost done, scrapebooking those items, which consists of concert and movie tickets, name tags, brochures from trips, odds and ends from college, etc. I really thought hard about what I wanted to keep and would want to look at over the years to come. I am sure all of these items will bring back great memories as they did this weekend. I will post pictures of my scrapebook project soon. I feel that this project has helped me simplify the amount of things I hold on to and make me feel less like a pack rat.

Before this week is over, I wan to begin a knitting project to carry into the fall semester and finish reading the book I starting reading in July!

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Ivy M Straka said...
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